Thursday, May 10, 2012

Let Them Eat Pancakes!!!!

Wednesday morning was a very special morning in Miss Brazzell's classroom!  The kids have been working hard all year long and have been very, very successful!  I am so proud of all of their hard work on testing and in On Demand writing.  In order to celebrate such hard work, I decided to make breakfast!  At first, I thought I'd just get donuts and bring them in, easy peasy lemon squeazy.  However, the more I thought about it, the more I decided that I wanted to make it special for them.  So we had pancakes and bacon instead!  I brought my griddle from home and had a few kids watching the bacon while I flipped flapjacks. :)

I think that it was a HUGE success and that the kids had a great morning!  I am so thankful for every one of these helpful, thoughtful, sweet kids!  I have been blessed beyond measure this year! 

Ashley, Madeline, Nicole, and Shelby are really enjoying their breakfast treat!!

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