Tuesday, May 15, 2012

The Last Day of 5th Grade...

Can it be true?.......
Is this for real?.......

I can't believe that this is the last day of 5th grade!  I have truly loved every minute....well...maybe not every minute!  But the good minutes have definitely out-weighed the not so good ones infinitely!  I feel so blessed to have been chosen to be your children's teacher for one of their most important years in elementary.  We have worked so hard this year on On Demand Writing....and I really feel that I am sending them on with a fantastic start!  Mrs. Phillips and I have said over and over how wonderful their writing has become throughout the year!  6th grade teachers are going to be amazed by the talents and abilities of this fantastic group!

Thank you so much for all the support throughout the year.  I hope that you have been as pleased as I have been with the way this year has gone.  Each student will continue to hold a special place in my heart for as long as I live.  I am so thankful that God saw fit to bring me home to Kentucky and to lead me to Sedalia this year.  He truly knows what I need far greater than I do!  I know that he has AMAZING things planned for the life of each one of my students and I am so thankful that He allowed me to play a small part in the storybook of their life.  I hope that they will one day look back on this year as one of their favorites.  God is so good to me, and he has blessed me so much.  I know that He has perfect timing and a perfect plan, and I am so glad that I learned at an early age to put my trust and faith in HIM.

Thanks again for an amazing year! 
<3 ~ Miss Brazzell

Our last morning Zumba of the year!

Morning games with Jaron, Shelby, Kassandra, and Wayne

Keontae, Emily, Savannah, and Nicole playing The Game of Life

Sleepy Madeline slept through the movie and the games...love this sweet girl!

Aaron and Koby are stylin' on the last day of 5th grade

Miss Brazzell's Class ~ the sweetest 5th grade in the world!

Miss Brazzell with her favorite 5th grade class.

Have a great summer!!!
I'll miss you!!!!!!

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